Maya Monuments: Sculptures of Unknown Provenance Supplement 4, VOL. VII | von Karl Herbert Mayer, 1995 | ISBN: 3-901519-01-7
The project of creating a preliminary "Corpus of Unprovenanced Maya Stone Monuments", initiated in 1975, intends to document and publish archeological relief sculptures of unknown place of origin from the Maya Lowlands, bearing pictorial and/or hieroglyphic images.
"Monuments" encompass free-standing sculptures (stelae, altars, etc.) and architectural stone elements (lintels, door jambs, doorway columns, capstones, steps, wall tablets, facade figures, ballcourt sculptures, etc.). The hitherto published seven catalogues focusing on this corpus describe and illustrate unprovenanced carved stone sculptures, or fragments thereof, presently residing in widely scattered institutional and private collections all over the world. The majority of ancient Maya stone monuments is published in the catalogue series for the first time.
(See also Antonio Benavides Castillo book review in Spanish)
113 pp. text, 268 full-page black and white plates, featuring 360 illustrations (263 photographs, 93 drawings, 4 rubbings). Softcover, size 21 x 29,5 cm.
€ 72,00, Postage and handling for European mailing
VOL I and II are available from Flo Silver Books, 8442 Oakwood Court North, Indianapolis,
IN 46260, USA, inquiries to:
VOL III through VII are available from Verlag Anton Saurwein
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